Office Plants

10 Best Low Light Plants For The Office That Are Also Low Maintenance

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Image of best low light plants in modern office environment

Working in an office may be boring, to say the least. Unless you work in a very cool start-up that throws parties on a regular basis, your corporate workplace is most likely dull and uninteresting. Most offices are corporate, cold, and lack any kind of creativity or inspiration.

The fluorescent lighting, lack of plants, and a general sense of being trapped all day long don’t help. Fortunately, there are ways to bring nature into the office and help relieve stress at the same time.

Growing plants at work will not only lift your spirits but also improve air quality, reduce stress, and improve concentration.

Low light office plants offer an easy way to bring life to dim office corners.

For more than a decade, we’ve been greening New York office spaces as well as providing plant maintenance services. We’ve learned a lot about which plants work well in low light office conditions and also are low-maintenance office plants.

This post includes our list of 10 low light office plants. If your office is in the NYC area and you are too busy to go through our list 😀, schedule a FREE consultation with one of our plant specialists. They will put together a custom proposal tailored specifically for your workspace – at no cost to you!

Let’s start by addressing some of the most frequently asked questions about growing plants in low-light office settings.

What are low light plants for the office?

best office plants that grow under fluorescent lights

Low-light plants  for offices or any other spaces are plants that can grow with little natural light, as well as under just fluorescent lighting.
Very often low light plants are also low-maintenance plants. This is ideal for office settings since no one really has time during a busy work schedule to attend plants once or twice a week.

Can indoor plants survive in spaces without any light source?

No, common houseplants can’t thrive indoors without any light, but there are a lot of plants that can grow happily in a windowless room with artificial lighting.
Watch our video about 7 best plants for windowless spaces 👇

Can low light plants be happy in direct sunlight?

The majority of plants dislike direct sunlight, especially when placed under South or West direct sun rays, but there are a few that can endure strong and long sun exposure. Snake plants and ZZ plants are just two examples of greenery that can spruce up any office space, whether it has bright or low light.

When natural light is considered low light?

Image of low light office, employees in dark room

Office spaces that have North-facing windows or face the backyard, are located on a ground floor, or have a building across the street blocking the light and have a low light environment.  Important to remember – if in an office one can not read a book in the middle of the day without turning the light on, the light in these types of spaces is too low for any plant to survive.

Can plants grow in offices that only have artificial light?

Image of Draceana Lisa plant in artificially lit office

Lucky for us there are plants that can grow in offices with fluorescent or other bright artificial lighting. Very important to keep the light ON for at least 5 days a week, 4-6 hours a day for these types of plants to survive.

Are there any flowering plants that will do well in an office space with very little light?

Image of Dracaena Lisa flowering plant in low light office

There are a few flowering plants that will do well in an office space with very little light. Some flowering plants that grow in fluorescent light or little natural light include the Corn plant, Dracaena Lisa, Peace Lily, Aglaonema, Philodendron, and Snake plant.

Even though these flowering plants will thrive and some can produce flowers in a low light environment, they need a brighter light to bloom frequently.

For blooming displays in a low light office, we recommend getting cut flower arrangements that need to be changed weekly or Orchid plants that can keep blooming in low light spaces on average for 4-6 weeks.

Avoid placing plants in these office spaces:

  • Low natural light or no natural light rooms that have automatic light sensors
Image of the conference room with automatic light sensors

Avoid placing plants in rooms with limited natural light or where artificial light is controlled by automatic sensors. Indoor plants need a minimum of 6-8 hours of consistent light exposure at least 5 days a week. Most conference rooms these days are automatically outfitted with light sensors and if these rooms are not in use, which happens often, the light is turned off, so pay close attention to how long light exposure is available to plants.

  • Restrooms with no windows
Image of dark restroom where plants will not survive

The worst place to keep your office plants is in a restroom without windows. Restroom artificial light is often dimmed or the light is on only when the restroom is in use, which doesn’t provide enough light for indoor plants. If your office restroom doesn’t have any windows, we would recommend using artificial plants or plant art, like photos or paintings.

Here are 10 low light office plants that are perfect for growing in an office environment

These low maintenance indoor plants are perfect for offices or any other spaces with little or no natural light and can thrive in darker spaces. The majority of these plants are also air purifiers and have proven to help filter harmful toxins and pollutants out of the air.

1. Dracaena Lisa

Image of a large plant arrangement with Dracaena Lisa plants in low light conference room
Dracaena Deremensis “Lisa” ©️ My City Plants

If you’re looking for an indoor plant that can thrive with very little care, the Dracaena Lisa plant is a perfect choice. It is one of the hardiest plants around, so it has a chance to survive in the majority of office environments.

The Dracaena Lisa is a wonderful plant for an office because it can adapt to bright indirect light, low light, and artificial light.

Because these plants are tall and have a slander shape, they are often used for greening up empty corners or high foot traffic areas. The stalks of this plant resemble bamboo, which makes them stand out from other indoor plant types. The “Lisa” is also more robust and disease-resistant than most plants.

Dracaena Lisa plants are excellent for improving air quality and removing common pollutants that cause allergies, such as pet dander, mold, and mildew.

2. Bamboo Palm

Bamboo palm image in the middle of the room
Bamboo palm a.k.a Chamaedorea ©️ My City Plants

Although the Bamboo palm is a slow grower, its vibrant foliage makes it ideal for tropical-themed décor. 

Bamboo palms don’t only look good, but they also improve the quality of your indoor air! They efficiently remove pollutants, such as formaldehyde, benzene, and carbon monoxide.
Additionally, they get rid of mold and mildew spores – making them ideal for office settings. And if you’re worried about your office pets, have no fear – Bamboo palms are pet friendly!

Low to bright light conditions are ideal for this plant.

3. Snake Plant

Image of beautiful Snake plant in Lechuza triangle Delta planter place in conference room
Snake plant a.k.a Sansevieria ©️ My City Plants

Sansevieria a.k.a Snake Plant a.k.a Mother-in-law’s tongue is the toughest of all plants. It can survive the harshest conditions and thrives in almost any light. This makes them the perfect choice for offices with little natural or just artificial light.

Snake plants  are excellent for improving air quality and removing common pollutants. They are especially good for removing trichloroethylene, a compound that is commonly found in the cleaning products used in offices.

Snake plants don’t require much water, just like any other succulent plant, and can be watered as little as once a month or every other month.

Low to bright light conditions are ideal for this plant.

4. Pothos Plant

Pothos plant place in the office on the windowsill
Pothos a.k.a Epipremnum Aureum ©️ My City Plants

Pothos is one of the most popular office plants in America. It is a good plant to have in your office because it improves indoor air quality and is easy to care for.

Pothos  vines are one of the simplest houseplants to cultivate and may be trained to grow on a trellis, draped from the ceiling or shelves. Pothos vines thrive in low-light conditions, making them ideal for work settings.

Pothos plants are excellent at removing common pollutants, such as formaldehyde, benzene, and carbon monoxide. They also remove trichloroethylene, making them great office plants.

Pothos does best in an environment with low to medium light exposure.

5. ZZ Plant

Image of ZZ plant placed on the windowsill and overlooking Empire State building
ZZ plant a.k.a Zamioculcas Zamiifolia ©️ My City Plants

If you’re looking for an office plant that’s easy to grow and doesn’t require much care, a ZZ plant is a great choice. ZZ plants are extremely tolerant and require very little attention.

ZZ plants have excellent air filtering properties and are great at removing common pollutants, such as formaldehyde, benzene, and carbon monoxide. They also remove trichloroethylene, making them great office plants.

They grow well in low or bright light conditions and prefer very little water, making them perfect for the office environment.

6. Aglaonema

Image of Aglaonema plant placed againts dark wall and lit with artificial light
Aglaonema a.k.a Chinese evergreen ©️ My City Plants

It is one of the most popular low-light houseplants and for a good reason: it’s incredibly easy to grow. 

The Aglaonema plant, also known as the Chinese evergreen, is an adaptable survivor that can endure almost any environment! If you’re looking to add some greenery to your office without any hassle, this is the plant for you!

Aglaonema is available in a wide range of colors and patterns, so it’s easy to find one that fits your style and create an interesting green display using just one plant type.

 Aglaonema grows happily almost in any indoor light conditions, from low light to bright, indirect light.

7. Corn Plant

Image of Dracaena Fragrans a.k.a. Corn plant in the dark hallway
Corn plant a.k.a Dracaena fragrans “Massangeana” ©️ My City Plants

The Corn Plant, or Dracaena Fragrans “Massangeana”, is a popular houseplant. Long, sword-shaped, arching, rich green color leaves with bright yellow stripes are what give this plant its appeal, making it a beautiful addition to any office.

Corn plants are relatively easy to care for, so even if you’re not great with your office plants, this could be a good option for you. The Corn plant is often used in office buildings and hotels due to its ability to purify the air.

The plant is adaptable and can thrive in various lighting conditions: bright indirect lighting, low lighting, and artificial light.

8. Peace Lily

Image of beautiful Peace Lily in black planter placed by the window
Peace Lily a.k.a Spathiphyllum ©️ My City Plants

Peace Lily aka Spathiphyllum or White Flag is a flowering plant with dark green leaves. If you want to grow a beautiful indoor plant that will thrive in low light conditions and look great on your desk, a Peace lily is a perfect choice.

Peace Lilies are excellent at removing common pollutants, such as formaldehyde and carbon monoxide. They also remove benzene and trichloroethylene, making them great office plants.

The Peace Lily is a hardy plant that doesn’t need much light to survive. Peace lilies bloom twice yearly, and each bloom lasts for several months. NOTE: in order for these plants to produce flowers, they need to be placed in a room with medium or indirect bright light.

In low light areas, even without flowers, these plants, with their beautiful dark green leaves and round elegant shape, make an excellent addition to any office.

9. Schefflera Amate

Schefflera Amate plant potted in white planter and placed in the office
Schefflera a.k.a Umbrella plant ©️ My City Plants

Schefflera plant aka Umbrella plant has large, shiny, dark green leaves that droop gracefully from a central stalk. This plant needs some room to grow and spread its glossy, beautiful leaves. Because of its full and round shape, we can green up a larger office area with just one plant.

Schefflera Amate is a low-maintenance plant that is perfect for busy office workers. It is easy to care for and does not require much watering. This hardy plant can tolerate low humidity and can even survive under fluorescent light.

If you are looking for a low light plant that is easy to care for and will brighten up your office space, then the Schefflera Amate is the perfect plant for you!

It does best in medium or bright, indirect sunlight but can also tolerate low light conditions.

10. Bird of Paradise Plant

Image of Bird of Paradise plant in office reception
Bird of Paradise plant a.k.a Strelitzia Nicolai ©️ My City Plants

The Bird of Paradise is popular among plant lovers for its beauty, and it will make any space more vibrant with its large paddle-shaped leaves. You’ll feel like you’re surrounded by a tropical rainforest every day with this plant! 

Bird of Paradise plant a.k.a Strelitzia Nicolai is known for its vibrant flowers that resemble a bird’s head, hence its name. They don’t bloom on the East Coast, unfortunately.

These plants do best in medium, bright, or indirect sunlight. But they can also tolerate low light conditions if placed by a large north-facing window.

This plant is easy to care for. In a low light environment, the watering frequency for Bird Of Paradise is much lower compared to when these plants are exposed to bright light.

You may have and enjoy plants in your office!

Not all offices have access to natural light, but this doesn’t mean you can’t have beautiful plants in the office and enjoy their benefits. Adding plants to your office space has many benefits, including reducing stress, increasing creativity, and improving concentration and air quality. 

If you are new to plants we suggest starting slow.

Pick one plant from our list and see how it does in your office space, and how much time it takes to care for one before adding more plants.

Need help in choosing the right office plants?

If you are located in New York City and need help choosing the right plants for your office space or need help with indoor plant care, schedule a free consultation with one of our plant specialists.

We will prepare a custom FREE plant proposal for your workspace, deliver beautiful and healthy plants and, if needed, provide plant maintenance service. With our plant maintenance service, you can sit back and relax while we do all of the work to keep your office plants healthy and looking their best.

Bring your office to life – add beautiful air-purifying plants today!

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  • As the founder of My City Plants and a seasoned expert in indoor plant maintenance and biophilic design, my journey began in 1998, evolving from a high-fashion model to a passionate entrepreneur and educator in the plant industry. With a rich background from the Parsons School of Design and the New York Botanical Garden, I've dedicated myself to enriching urban environments with plants and sharing my knowledge through my YouTube channel and this blog. My work, which merges style with botany, has been featured in prominent media outlets like The New York Times and Architectural Digest.

My City Plants is an online indoor plant shop – design studio located in New York City. We specialize in indoor plants potted in stylish self-watering planters and helping homes and businesses to look and feel more peaceful, stylish, and comfortable. Our dedicated plant delivery NYC service guarantees that your chosen plants are delivered directly to your door, perfectly prepared to beautify your environment.

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