Plant Decor

Plant Makeover For Studio Apartment In Astoria, New York

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You want to liven up your small living space with beautiful plants but don’t know where to start? In this video, Juliette, the co-founder of My City Plants, explains how she chose the right plants for a client’s studio apartment in Astoria, New York, starting with the two most important things: lighting and the dimensions of your space.


Light enters this client’s studio from the east, and it’s perfect for plants that love bright light. The morning sun is gentle and plants will enjoy it.

Based on the light and dimensions of the space, Juliette chose plants in our signature Lechuza self-watering planters that really fit perfectly.

First, a Yucca’s architectural shape adds visual interest and is a strong element to divide the indoor and outdoor spaces. Yucca is a bright light plant, so do not place this plant anywhere in a dark corner of your apartment.

yucca plant good choice for bright light

The Lechuza Rondo planter Juliette chose is 12 inches by 22 inches, and the potted plant is about six feet tall, which compliments the client’s balcony door width perfectly.

On the dresser, Juliette placed a cascading Pothos.

cascading pothos on the dresser

The Pothos likes medium or bright light, and can be pruned to any shape without suffering damage. It looks great in Lechuza 6-inch by 16-inch windowsill planter.

Right next to the bed, Juliette placed the Sansevieria, aka Snake plant, in Rondo planter.

snake plant perfect for bedroom

The planter measures 12 inches by 22 inches. The potted plant in this planter is about three-and-a-half feet tall.

The snake plant does well in bright or low light, so it will thrive in the corner Juliette chose for it. As for the additional benefits: Snake plant produces oxygen at night, so it’s a great choice for next to our client’s bed. How awesome is that?

Next, Juliette selected a Croton plant for the windowsill because it requires a lot of bright light and it’s just perfect for the client’s east-facing window.

croton plant perfect for east facing windows

Lechuza mini windowsill planter measures 11 inches by four inches, and is perfect for thin ledges in a small apartment.

The light in the apartment changes from bright to medium as we move away from the windows, which is why Juliette placed the Money Tree in the middle of the studio, where it will be happy in the dimmer light and serve as a divider between the living space and bedroom space.

impressive money tree

This Money Tree in this video was given to us by a former client, and it took a few years for it to grow to be as tall as you see it. When it arrived, it was just three feet tall.

At My City Plants, we categorize our plants by light requirement, size, and additional benefits. We even included a comprehensive light guide to all the website. Plants can be easily ordered on our online shop. I hope you enjoyed watching the transformation of this studio space. Just remember: no matter what space you’re living, everything is possible with the right imagination and the right plants. Green up your life and enjoy the journey.

My City Plants is an online indoor plant shop – design studio located in New York. We specialize in indoor plants potted in stylish self-watering planters and helping homes and businesses to look and feel more peaceful, stylish and comfortable. 

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  • As the founder of My City Plants and a seasoned expert in indoor plant maintenance and biophilic design, my journey began in 1998, evolving from a high-fashion model to a passionate entrepreneur and educator in the plant industry. With a rich background from the Parsons School of Design and the New York Botanical Garden, I've dedicated myself to enriching urban environments with plants and sharing my knowledge through my YouTube channel and this blog. My work, which merges style with botany, has been featured in prominent media outlets like The New York Times and Architectural Digest.

My City Plants is an online indoor plant shop – design studio located in New York City. We specialize in indoor plants potted in stylish self-watering planters and helping homes and businesses to look and feel more peaceful, stylish, and comfortable. Our dedicated plant delivery NYC service guarantees that your chosen plants are delivered directly to your door, perfectly prepared to beautify your environment.

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03/11/2024 08:14 pm GMT